Aesthetic Tooth Correction
Aesthetic tooth correction that doesn’t only beautify teeth but also your gums and/or bite. It’s specifically used to improve your mouth shape and smile quality that can even extend towards the improvement and function of the teeth in terms of their bite form and force. However, it’s the type of dental work that’s mostly preoccupied with the improvement of your teeth’s appearance and not necessarily their functionality, as in the case of teeth whitening. In many cases, functional improvements are incidental to the success of aesthetic dentistry. It’s characterised by the following traits that differentiate it from standard dental, gingival, and oral practices towards the healthiness of your teeth, gums, and mouth
- Aesthetic dentistry is mostly focused on improving the colour, shape, size, position, and alignment of the teeth as well as the overall appearance of your smile.
- Aesthetic techniques are devised to improve your smile without adding or removing your gums, tooth structure, or other dental materials.
- Gum depigmentation to get your optimal gum color, laser whitening or bleaching of your teeth’s enamel, and so forth.
- It’s specifically used to improve your mouth shape and smile quality that can even extend towards the improvement of the function of the teeth in terms of its bite form and force.