Tooth-colored fillings

Dental fillings are used to repair teeth damaged by decay or fractures. Composite resin, porcelain, or amalgam fillings are commonly used to restore the tooth's functionality and appearance. Tooth-colored fillings are made from composite resins that are bonded to your teeth, forming a tight seal. This seal prevents bacteria from attacking your teeth, helping teeth to stay healthy and decay-free. Tooth-colored fillings also can prevent hot and cold sensitivity, as well as biting pain. Additionally, tooth-colored fillings require less of your tooth to be removed, so you can keep more of your natural tooth structure. Any decay is removed from the affected tooth before applying the tooth-colored filling in a series of layers. A special light is used to harden the resin after which time the filling is shaped and polished for a natural look and feel.

Benefits of tooth-colored fillings

  • Tooth-fillings have become a core part of dental care as they restore the tooth from cavity or decay to its original condition
  • No longer you will feel uncomfortable with gold and silver amalgam fillings.
  • You can smile with confidence as you show off your perfectly blended tooth-colored fillings.